Утопия: Arms Derby
From: volunteers@freeomninetdomains.un
To: LL3PilotsPlatinumTierMailingList@realuseridforcheap.cc
Greetings, ${CANDIDATE_NAME}!
It is our esteemed honor to inform you that, you, ${CANDIDATE_NAME}, have been personally selected for an all-expenses paid vacation to the KARAKORAM LINE!
While there, you'll see the sights of desert citadels, state-of-the-art metalworks, civilization, and even 100% REAL vegetation, and best of all, you'll be placed in a simulation chamber to test out a brand new line of top secret mech weapons before they hit the open market!
Copy your license to volunteers@freeomninetdomains.un now for sponsored travel to a hands-on tour of our beautiful facility! Include a full genetic profile for full quallification. See terms and conditions for details. We will probably not disclose your personally identifiable genetics to anyone.
${DISCLAIMER_LEGAL} ${SIGNATURE}Утопия is Lancer, except:
New round structure:
- Characters declare actions and moves simultaneously. Write it down. You can't change your mind.
- PC actions resolve.
- NPC actions resolve.
- PC moves resolve.
- NPC moves resolve.
- A character's action and move phases are not different turns.
- When a unit becomes engaged, its staged move is cancelled.
- PC Mechs survive <= 0 structure. Continue to roll the structure damage table as usual.
- PC Mechs survive <= 0 stress. Continue to roll the overheating table as usual.